Week 8 and 9 assignment\
The first change I made was putting music behind Chris studying, showing he was working. After I put music to show that he was dancing. This gives the audience a clear view of the contrast and the differences, especially since the two songs are very different. This is music added behind the footage.
The second change I made was putting music behind the running scene to add tension and to show that a chase was happening.  This is a sound bridge.
The third change I made gives a background and fits in with the American flag and pledge of allegiance. Playing the national anthem shows American pride. This is also a sound bridge.
The fourth clip I added music behind to show that I was going somewhere and had to goal. The song's lyrics show that movement is a concept of the video and the reason I put this certain song in. This is music added.
The fifth change was making the clock louder the video to show the change of time. This gives the audience an insight of time passing and shows what the actor is doing on this day. This is a dubbing clock.


  1. Good job adding the sound to create more emotion to your edits! My favorite edit you made was symbolism. I also really like how there is music between edit transitions!


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