Week 2 Assignement
Close Up: The subject is writing something down for an assignment.
Dolly Shot: Actor is walking down the hallway.
Establishing Shot: gives a look at the inside of the school.
Follow Shot: Walking at the same pace and following the actor.
Low Angle Shot: Shows the actor and the sky, directed focus on the actor.
Tilt Shot: Looks up at a structure, as to show the height.
High Angle Shot: Looking down on the actor, gives an overview of what the actor is doing.
Extreme long shot: shows where the actor is and the setting.
Reaction Shot: Taken as if there was something scary outside the screen.
Extreme Close up: shows eyes and color, can also show the emotion the actor is going through. such as if they are scared.
Full Body shot: Can see the actor in full.
Flash: spooky, jump scare.
I enjoyed your shots, they were taken well and I thought the reaction and flash shot were actually pretty funny. The quality of the shots are appealing as well! you showed the setting very vividly.